Thursday, February 7, 2008

It's been a while....

I have been really bad about updating because I have been so busy.

Well last week (week of 1/28-2/1) started out a little rough. Monday is when it decided to snow so both training and Zumba were canceled for the evening. So I started back up again on Wednesday. Bridget wasn't there since it was her birthday so we had a sub. Mike totally kicked our butt and it was an awesome work out. It was such a great workout I couldn't even walk after so I didn't do my hip-hop aerobics.

This week I went again on Monday for Training and then that evening they had a Zumba party. It was a lot of fun and I even won a cd. I never win anything so that was cool. Then it came Wednesday and unfortunately I was unable to attend training or hip-hop because I was diagnosed with Strept Throat. NOT FUN AT ALL!

So needless to say I am home today (Thursday) and per docs orders I am not back at work until Monday. I have been taking my penicillin as directed so I can get rid of this nasty cold. Not only am I taking Penicillin I am also having to gargle this stuff that has Diphenhydramine (Benadryl), Maalox (to coat the throat) and lidocaine to numb the throat. Too bad on it's way back to my throat I numb everything else (lips, tongue). I am retarded and every time I go to gargle it I have to change into a new shirt because I end up dripping down the one I am wearing. Ugggghhhhh!!!

I am hoping to get better soon, because this Saturday Tyler and I are going to the Freestyle Motocross. I can't wait. We haven't been in 4 years but we both love this event.

Well, that's all I can think of for now. I will update in a few days.


lilminnow said...

Hope you feel better soon girlie!

joobielinders said...

Take care of yourself and I hope you feel better soon!